Car.gif - 6Kb
The above car can do 2000MPG.

The Shell Helix Mileage Marathon was organised by Shell Helix U.K. Ltd. But now it is called the eco marathon. Competitors are required to complete a course of ten miles at an average speed of no less than 15 mph. Each car is given Shell Unleaded Gasoline (95 research Octance Number Min) or Shell Pura Diesel (50 Cetane Number Min) to power an engine or engine system.

The rules state that no car may be pushed, pedaled or weather assisted, eg: using sails. Although we always obey safety rules, we've sometime thought that the odd solar panel wouldn't hurt ;)

This years event is being held on the 22nd to 23rd of June at The Rockingham Speedway track. This gives us less than twenty days to get the car up and running. Fingers crossed.
Last updated 4th June 2001

©Richard Olivey 2001